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viernes, 14 de mayo de 2021

Madonna - Holiday [Elected Remixes] by MPAP


Sin duda "Holiday" es uno de los grandes éxitos de Madonna y desde 1983, resuena en nuestras cabezas y hace que nuestros pies se muevan solos.

Es todo un honor haber preparado esta recopilación de 50 remezclas y versiones, en 5 CDs contenida en un formato digipack creado especialmente por MPAP graphics.

Existen numerosas remezclas de este tema de Madonna y hemos querido incluir aquellas que no habíamos utilizado en otros recopilatorios anteriores.

Encontraréis diferentes estilos y ritmos entre las 50 remezclas que os ofrecemos con verdadero placer. A continuación os dejamos las imágenes del libreto que se incluye, junto al resto del arte gráfico, con las remezclas.

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¡No estamos solos en el planeta!


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20 comentarios:

Américo PIGNATON dijo...

Time to 2021 HOLIDAYS ¡!

Américo PIGNATON dijo...

Holidays 2021 Time !

matteo1976 dijo...

Look forward to listening to these mixes! You are great! Thanks!

rayoflight dijo...

i didnt know there were that many remixes!! amazing work again! Thank you (rayoflight12@gmail.com)

celestinovillanova@gmail.com dijo...

Bueno , Bueno, tal parece que vamos de de Fiesta !!!!
Otra sobredosis !!!!
Que bien hace esto con este invierno que estamos pasando por estos lugares !!!!

DJ KONASIR dijo...

DJ KONASIR wow what a fantastic collection of Remixes I Love this

iwonderbc dijo...

This song has always been a major bop, can't wait to hear them!

Sugar Heels dijo...

"Holiday" is one of the most remixed tunes ever. Countless remixes out there. There are many registered -official releases - but you will also find hundreds of unoffical and indie remixes all over the net. I do have about 600 GB of Madonna's music in my external hard drive and one of the subfolders contains all remixes I can find of every single of her songs and Holiday is with no doubt a big one! For sure Madonna is the most remixed artist of all times. Awesome!

Sugar Heels dijo...

So here we go again with another great MPAP production. Can't wait to enjoy it. Today I'm dedicating some time to organize my Madonna's music folder so just happy to add a new jewel to it. Thank you very much!

Giuseppe dijo...



Abbiamo bisogno della tua email per inviarti il ​​link per il download.

Onceaweek dijo...

Another great collection!

Onceaweek dijo...

Another great collection!

The Mo dijo...

Can't wait to have this collection of remixes!

stevemwall dijo...

Wow so many cd's. Could you please send me the link ? Much appreciated.

X dijo...

A fan favourite and also a timeless classic.

Thnka you

djjl dijo...

asombrosa colección djjl4828@gmail.com

supergflyguy dijo...

You guys are amazing. I have been away for a few months, I come back, and you've created all these great remixes.
Please, if you could send me this link to queerlycanadian@hotmail.com - Thanks G.

rayoflight dijo...

can i have a new link for this please ? (rayoflight12@gmail.com)

Anthony ML dijo...

Pinta bien, ya espero un fin de semana y disfrutarlo. Gracias!!!